主要包括金属电极(metal electrode)、 汞齐电极 ( amalgam electrode )、配合物电极(complex electrode)、气体电极(gas electrode)等。
dropping amalgam electrode 汞齐滴下电极
solid amalgam electrode 固体汞合金电极
copper-amalgam electrode 铜汞合金电极
plumbum amalgam electrode 铅汞齐电极
mercury amalgam electrode 汞齐电极
standard zinc amalgam electrode 标准锌汞齐电极
plumbum amalgam electrode potential 标准电极电势
Manganese amalgam electrode potential 锰汞齐电极电势
amalgam m electrode 汞齐电极
Praseodymium and neodymium could be deposited at lithium or quaternary ammonium amalgam electrode, but not at sodium amalgam electrode.
The growth of gas bubbles on liquid-liquid interface is studied experimentally when gas forms through chemical reaction in sulphuric acid solution-zinc amalgam (or mercury electrode) system.